Leadership In Tough Times


It would be wrong to say that leadership in good times is easy. It’s our actions, though, in tough times, when the chips are down, that may define us as leaders. Where I live in the Hunter area of Australia we have just had a once in a generation severe weather event. Destructive, cyclonic winds, extensive rainfall leading […]

5 Things Great Leaders Do Every Day


Leadership is a habit, a practice. Great leaders do the same outstanding things over and over, day in day out. Here are five things that great leaders do every day. 1. Think about tomorrow. We get so caught up with what is right in our face that we can forget about the future. Great leaders always […]


In my experience, everyone who really wants to be a better leader has some success. If you want to be an even stronger leader, understand these differences. Respect vs Like. Strong leaders care more about being respected than being liked. Now, everyone wants to be liked but sometimes the need to be popular gets in […]