What An Empty Toilet Roll Says About Your Organisation’s Culture


Ever been in the situation at work when, ahem, you have finished your business and look down to see that the person before you used the last of the toilet roll and left you to cope for yourself? What’s this got to do with workplace culture? My guess is that if this happens at your […]

In the last couple of weeks I have seen a few examples of where things haven’t gone as well as hoped, for myself personally and for a few of my clients. I think it’s important to remember that we can’t win all of the time and we still need to remember to laugh.

Occasionally as leaders we can get caught up in ourselves and think that it is all about us. If things don’t go right we can moan and groan and become down in the mouth.

At the end of the day, not everything goes to plan and we need to learn to take the not so good with the good. Now, if you haven’t watched the video at least three times, click <a href=”http://infiniticorp.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c7baca9a4f6830b348c3243f2&amp;id=1b043298e2&amp;e=f866ca1413″ target=”_blank”>here</a> to watch it again and I’ll guarantee you will laugh every time.

<strong>The story behind the video: </strong>The meany who shot the video is my 22 year old son Will, having a bit of fun with his little sisters. The poor victim is my littlest, Tully. She has the capacity to blow up deluxe when things don’t go well, but in this case, she laughed off her misfortune. Madam in the pool is Madi, who has no trouble seeing the funny side!

I hope you had a laugh and feel better as a result. Next time things don’t go so well, laugh it off, just like Tully.

Leadership In Tough Times


It would be wrong to say that leadership in good times is easy. It’s our actions, though, in tough times, when the chips are down, that may define us as leaders. Where I live in the Hunter area of Australia we have just had a once in a generation severe weather event. Destructive, cyclonic winds, extensive rainfall leading […]


The speed of the leader is the speed of the gang Mary Kay Ash As the leader (of the organisation, team or group) you are the pace setter. You are the one that others take their lead from. Are you currently on slo mo, fast forward or paused? Cosmetics legend Mary Kay Ash, founder of the Mary […]