Ho, Ho, Hold on a minute. The year is not done yet.

OK, so the silly season has officially begun. But before you go silly, let’s have a serious discussion. Do you want 2015 to be a repeat of this year or something much, much better?

Many of us are about to put the cue in the rack and call 2014 a day. If we are not careful we might write this year off, go and have a break (and we should), then rock up back to work in 2015 and … same ol’ same ol’.

Use the next few weeks to set the next 12 months up to be not just good, but great. Here are a few ideas that you could commit to.

  • Get your key people together for as long as you can manage – be that an hour or a day.
  • Conduct a review of the last 12 months. List successes and failures. Go through the calendar, month by month, and list the highlights and low lights.
  • Create a vision for 2015. Simply ask yourself this question – ‘In December 2015, what do I want to be different to today?’ List how you want things to be better this time next year.
  • Prioritise the key result areas. Ask ‘What are the five big ticket items for 2015?’
  • List just three things you need to achieve in each of the five areas.

If you are able to do the above (and I assure you that you could have a real good crack at it in just 3-4 hours) you are setting up a great platform for success in 2015.

OK, so once you have done this, go silly!