Those of you who have worked with me know that I obsess about being organised and productive. It’s especially important for leaders as the leading stuff takes lots of time, so getting all of the other stuff done in less time allows you more time to lead. Here are five really practical tips to help you.

1. KYM – Know Your Mondays. In advance of the start of a new month, memorise the dates that Mondays fall on – for example this April Mondays are on 7,14, 21 and 28. When it comes to future planning this will help you map out your weeks.

2. TTT – Three Things Today. First thing every morning take a Post-It note and right down the three most important things that must be achieved that day. This will keep you focused.

3. Fours Ds – every email you get make sure that you do one of the following with it. Deal with it – take action immediately. Delegate it – forward it to someone for action and put a deadline on when you want it done. Delay it – schedule some time in you diary to deal with it. Dump it – delete it and not give it another thought.

4. Spend 20% of your time planning. “What?” I hear you ask! Think of it this way – if you spend the first 12 minutes of every hour planning for the other 48 I reckon you will get far more done than if you just rushed into the hour without a plan. Try it and see.

5. Fill your car up with petrol when you have time, not when your car tells you to. If you are running early for a meeting and you have half a tank, fill it up. That way your car won’t be controlling you when its orange light comes on.

I encourage people to use a range of time saving and productivity improving ideas like these, no matter how small they seem. The goal should be to find an extra hour in each day and dedicate it to leading.

