In short, there are some rules for leadership. Like in many other areas of life, if you break the rules there are consequences.

In my book ‘Road Rules for Leadership‘ I list the 21 rules for leadership.

Rule Number 1 stands alone. It is ‘Managing is not enough. You need to lead’. If you just focus on managing you will get the paperwork done but you won’t take the organisation and its people forward.

The other 20 rules are grouped under the following broad headings. Here’s what happens if you break the rules.

Vision – if you don’t have vision as a leader, you focus only on the present. You won’t be thinking about the future.

Authenticity – if you are not authentic, you are a cheap fake. People will work that out and won’t follow you.

Action – many leaders talk themselves up, but don’t follow up and don’t get things done. They waste time.

Responsibility – if you don’t understand and accept the responsibilities of your job, you’ll be looking for others to blame.

Inspiration – if you think it’s all about you, your people won’t grow and develop.

In summary, settling for just managing, focusing only on the present, faking your way through life, wasting time, dodging responsibility and thinking that it’s all about you breaks all the rules of leadership. The results can be catastrophic.

Conversely, living by the ‘Road Rules for Leadership‘ is not that hard and will reap huge rewards for your team, your organisation and you.


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